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Research Training & Education

Currently: Assistant Professor, School of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, San Diego State University

Formerly: Postdoctoral Trainee (CNC-CT), University of Connecticut & PhD (Child Language), University of Kansas

Career & Research Aims

My research involves understanding how individual differences in language, together with environmental influences, shape life outcomes in autistic individuals. I use behavioral methods and functional near-infrared spectroscopy, as well as community-based participatory methods. The long-term goal is to translate longitudinal knowledge into community-based supports. Current studies include:

  • Determining the role of social determinants of health, together with language ability, in the transition to adulthood in autistic racially and ethnically minoritized individuals
  • Examining linguistic variability in minoritized autistic individuals using multimodal assessment and “language variant-conscious” assessment methods
  • Understanding self-determination, as a person-centered outcome, in autistic racially and ethnically minoritized individuals

Other Stuff

I enjoy thru hiking, bicycle touring, and travel. I also like running, piano, and spending time with my geriatric rescue pup, Mickey.